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Measuring Social Return on Investment (SROI)

  Have you ever wondered how to truly measure the impact of your efforts, not just in financial terms, but in the full scope of value they create? This is where Social Return on Investment (SROI) comes into play. Understanding Social Return on Investment involves quantifying the value created by an entity’s activities in social, … Continued

Navigating Brand Evolution: Brand Refresh vs. Rebrand Strategies

  For leaders busy with daily operations, proactive brand evaluation is often overlooked. The importance of taking a wide angle perspective periodically cannot be overstated. If things look dialed, get back to work. However, if the brand seems to have lost direction, indicated by a drop in awareness and engagement, it might be worth honestly … Continued

Understanding Google’s Policy Updates and New State Privacy Laws

  Emerging state laws regarding personal data privacy have prompted tech giant Google to update its data collection policies. If your organization uses Google Ads or simply manages a website, understanding Google’s policy updates and the new state privacy laws is essential to remain compliant, safeguard user privacy and maintain the trust and loyalty of … Continued

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